Reducing Exposure to Blue Light
Understanding the role that blue light plays in our every day lives and understanding the difference between natural blue light as part of the full spectrum of sunlight and the artificial blue light from technology and modern lighting is an important first step. Once we understand the level of blue light to which we are exposed each day, we can take some easy steps to reduce our exposure.
Ten Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to Artificial Blue Light
1. Reduce the amount of time you spend on screens and devices
Obviously many of us rely on computers, laptops and phones for work or study, but it's not uncommon to pick up your phone to check one quick thing and find yourself sucked into a world of scrolling, social media and messages and a whole hour has passed. A recent study concluded that an average person spends xxx hours every day on their phone
2. Wear blue light glasses or use a blue light screen filter when using your devices
For those times when we do need to be in front of our screens, we can protect our eyes from artificial blue light by wearing blue light filtering glasses. There are many different makes and models on the market but you want to be looking for blue light glasses which not only block out the harmful blue light wavelengths, but also reduce glare and increase contrast. At Earthing Oz, we choose to stock the Australian-made Baxter Blue range of blue light glasses for daytime and nighttime.
Blue light screen filters go a step further than blue light glasses. Designed to fit onto your device, the screen filters protect not only our eyes but also our skin from the blue light emitted from the device. Available for iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, monitors and laptops, our range of medically-rated blue light screen filters from Ocushield are developed in the UK by optometrists
3. Practise the 20/20/20 Rule
4. Use a blue light filter app on your phone or computer
There are several apps that can be downloaded onto your device that will help to reduce the amount of blue light emitted. In order to do this, it will turn the colour settings of your device to a more orange/red glow
5. Get a good amount of natural, healthy light throughout the day
Not all blue light is bad. Natural blue light from the sun, delivered as part of the full light spectrum
3. Get exposure to natural, healthy light throughout the day
- blue light part of the natural full spectrum of light, all the benefits that brings
- biolight
- best to wake up with the sunrise (
4. Eliminate blue light exposure in the evening
- don't use screens before bed or wear highly filtered blue light glasses such as Baxter Blue sleep glasses or fitover glasses
- try more natural lighting alternatives
5. Safeguard your sleep
- No sources of blue light in bedrooms (especially devices)
- wear a blue light blocking sleep mask
- ideal is to sleep with the sun